I provide prenatal and postnatal care as well as the important post birth check up.
For the mum: Pregnancy and giving birth can have a big impact on your body. I offer a range of treatment before and after birth to help your body respond to the changes, heal or feel re-energised again. Usually as a mother we put the baby first but I believe that if the mother is struggling to recover from the changes in her body she will not be in the optimum place to look after the baby.
For the baby: Babies are designed to adapt and change to their environment, however sometimes they are unable to do this because of a musculo-skeletal restriction. I believe and have seen how when the musculo-skeletal framework is so important for the health and well being of the baby. Babies skeletons are softer than an adults and respond very quickly to the gentler techniques used in cranoial osteopathy. Gentle cranial treatment can help soothe and relax babies and newborns.
Mother & baby care treatments allows me to help both the mother and baby adjust to their new environment and remove any strain which is causing either discomfort or pain, helping the bond between them to grow. At this stage of both of your lives the body is able to recover and heal quickly most patients only need three to four treatments all together.
Having become a mother myself nearly five years ago now, I have to say that mother & baby care has to be my favourite part of my job. Changes can be so profound and make a massive difference to all those involved.